Love -n- Diamonds

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

William, Noel and Heather... and the Science Fair Project

William, his girlfriend Noel (on right) and friend Heather (on left) got together this past sunday to complete a Science Fair Project. Their experiment was to see which made a larger explosion... Mint or Fruit Mentos in Diet Coke. The answer was the Mint. The reason is the mint has a more pourous surface while the fruit has a coating. So the reaction is more rapid in the mint mentos, making the gas release faster and therefore the explosion is bigger.

The deer liked the diet coke snow!
William and Noel

Answers to Susan's Questions

1. What is your absolute favorite memory from childhood? (Is it me? LOL)
Absolute favorite memory.. gee wiz Susan... I don't know....
There were sooo many vacations. Maybe one of them. To say the absolute favorite... hmmm. Some things stand out for one reason or another. But to say favorite. It isn't just one thing, one day, one person or even one place. I had a good childhood. I had good friends, great family and alot of stuff happened in all that time. So all in all I can't pick just one. Sorry I know that doesn't answer your question. Maybe it was Holly the dog, maybe going on family vacations, maybe time with my friends or family. But I really can't say.

2. What qualities do you most hope that your son will have, as an adult?
I just hope he is happy. Qualities that I hope he has ... honesty, caring. loving. A good father to his children and a good husband to his wife. All the qualities he is learning from his Pop. And hopefully some from me.

3. Why do you like living in the place that you live?
I like the fact houses aren't on top of each other. It is nice to see deer walking through the yard, as welll as the bear and other critters. Less congestion. Less traffic.

4. What is your absolute dream vacation?
I love any vacation with my son. But wouldn't like a cruise. Disney is really cool!

5. What one thing in your life would you not change, even if you could, and, what one thing in your life would you change if you could, and how would you change it?
I would not change anything. I hate alot about my life. But I am where I am supposed to be. Even if I hate some parts of it. There must be a reason.
If I hafta say something. I wouldn't change being with Henry... surprise!!! Because the result was William. And my life wouldn't be complete with out him. If I could change something...I really don't know. Again, I am where I am for a reason. I don't know why. But I am just gonna keep on going. Hopefully things will get better. Now if it was a magical wish, I would wish for being free of debt and enough money to not worry anymore.