Love -n- Diamonds

Monday, November 27, 2006

The holidays are just around the corner!!! As of this post only 27 days!!

So get shopping people!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Well, what to say? I thank Sue for all your suggestions.

I made some floral arrangements for the holiday season for work. I had made some for the fall season. Everyone loved them. Some customers even wanted to buy them from me. I made some Christmas ones. They look nice!

Well, maybe I'll write more later!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


What, if anything, would you like me to write about? I am at a loss! What would interest you??? Let me know, cause I have no clue!

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Just want you to know that I will be removing all Christmas decorations shortly after Christmas is over!!! They may be up early, but I remove them early as well!!!!

Outside Decorations

Christmas is almost here!!!

I am going to post a picture or two to get you in the holiday mood! Please note that yes these pictures are all part of my holiday decorations from this year! None of the pictures I am posting are old. And yes that is a fully decorated Christmas tree. Yes there are lights outside of my wing of the house...even some out front, although the ones out front are not operational as of yet. Yes my shopping is done and yes the presents are all wrapped. They have been for some time now. You must remember, I am a single mom with a very limited income. I have been shopping since before Halloween so that I could afford to get everything I wanted to get for everyone!!! Also note that the Christmas color scheme this year is blue, black and silver!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wow I think I am really messing this thing up!

I am not able to log on properly. With all the changes I made, this blog is soooo screwed up. I have no idea what the heck is going on. So now my log on is different and all sorts of stuff. Hopefully I cleared it all up. We shall see!

Can't sleep..

It is 3:00 in the morning and I can't sleep. I slept for awhile, but now...well, here I am. Let's see. What to type about.

Thursday was parent teacher conferences. Now if I was a betting person, I, and so many of you, would have said Henry would not have gone to the conference. But to everyones surprise he showed up. Of course he had to ruin it by showing up smelling of booze and looking to me like he was half in the bag. Good going. I should have expected it, but as usual I hoped that he would be a good father, and at least be sober. I don't know if the teacher was able to tell, but I have a keen sense and know all the signs. Most people can't tell.
Enough of Him. William was why I went to the conference. As I expected he was given rave reviews by his teacher. I am very proud of him. This was his first report card with letter grades. Previously all the grades were checks or pluses. Now they are real grades! He got A+ (99-100) in English, Social Studies, Math, Science, and Spelling. A (95-98) in Reading. For gym he got a G (85-92) and he got O (93-100) in Hand Writing, Art and Music-Vocal. I find it funny that he didn't get a better grade in gym. I guess he is like his Mom and doesn't really care for it!

Will was student of the month this month and Henry got to see his picture on the bulletin board outside the office. I had already seen it. Also for Veterans Day he had to do a project about a veteran he knew. He did his on Uncle Glen. It is also hanging on a bulletin board at school. When we get it back I think I will send it to Uncle Glen. I think he would like it.

William introduced his Dad to his teacher. He was very nervous. He stuttered a bit and turned beet red! It was sooo cute. He wants to set his Dad and his teacher up. I am all for Henry dating someone new. I HATE his present girlfriend....commonly known as the TRAMP.
The teacher said that Will is very responsible and helpful. She thinks that sometimes he is bored. She wants to be sure he remains motivated to learn. Unfortunately there are alot of kids in the class that are not up to where he is and sometimes he has to sit there and wait till they can catch up.

William, so far, has perfect attendence. Hopefully he can keep it up for the whole year. If he does, he will be entered to win an Ipod. I told him not to keep his hopes up. There is a drawing of all the perfect attendees. So odds are not in his favor! But I hope he gets a full year of no absences!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Well almost lost the blog!!!

I wanted to do the updated version of blogger and when I typed in my info I made a mistake on my email addy. Go figure! I think I have it all cleared up now. If not and some weird posts get on here I am sorry! Lets hope I fixed it all!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Nice Hair!

Here is a picture of Will's new hair cut. Yes the top is dyed blonde. Kinda like big brother Jared. And yes it is a permanent color, not the wash out stuff! Wait till ya see the Christmas cards we are sending! LOL!

Ok so no one posted any Thanksgiving suggestions so anyone who is coming over for the holiday is just out of luck if they want anything out of the ordinary!!! So there!

Breaking News!....

While I was on vacation there was a Chickenman sighting!!! Just like the elusive Loch Ness and Bigfoot, the Chickenman is rarely photographed! Lucky for me there was a crafty photographer lurking out there. He was able to snap this picture to prove once and for all that YES Virginia there is a Chickenman!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Weekly Chicken Report Vol 1

Hello and welcome to the weekly chicken report! Right now we haven't spotted any new chickens on the horizon. But this is the place if you want to hear about chicken sightings. I will try to update you weekly. If chicken man is spotted or a rubber chicken appears I will break in to a blog and immediately publish all the information. I know that this issue is a hot topic for the election day candidates. What other chickens can there be? When will he get tired of the chicken theme? And when he does get tired of the theme will he be reduced to plastic vomit or even more horrifying, imitation poop? Well, for this and other fascinating information... log in minimally once a week and you too will be in the chicken coop!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Any Ideas???

Thanksgiving is on the way! What interesting things should I make for dinner?

NO New chickens to report!

Well my friend Chicken man did not make an appearance today. That was fine. I can wait for another day! I just hope he doesn't bring in a live one!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Halloween and the Chicken Man!

Well, Halloween I had to work... Now you all know that I have the customer who brings me rubber chickens. He is now know as the Chicken Man. Well he warned me he was going to come in on Halloween and he would be wearing a costume. Yes you guessed it.. he was dressed as a giant chicken. It was soooo funny!! He said he would be in tommorrow and would be bringing me another chicken...wonder what this one will be....he is running out of different types of chickens!!!