Love -n- Diamonds

Monday, May 26, 2008


It seems I don't post on here for a long time then
A bunch of mindless posts. Just to keep the 2 or 3 people who actually do read this mindless drivel coming back to see that I am alive.
Thanks for coming back! I don't know why you do. You must be related to me and feel it a duty! Or maybe it is just the weird pictures I pick.


Well, William and I "went" camping last night. We roasted marshmallows on a fire and made smores and slept in our tent. We played cards in the tent by flash light. It was fun. Now my back is paying the price for sleeping on a rock that was positioned just right. I am not as young as I once was, and I think that my days of sleeping on the solid ground are over. Air mattress will be used next time!!! We almost didn't make it camping...the smell of skunk nearby kind of made us think again... By the way...we were really roughing it. We didn't get in the tent till after the NASCAR race was over (10:30 - 11:00 PM) Oh did I mention that the tent was in the backyard? And the fire was a grill?

Have a Happy and Safe Memorial Day

Thanks Glitter Graphics for all the great Peeps

Glitter graphics is a great site to get awesome graphics for doing near about anything. I mentioned them before, but I must say that there is so much there. The site is . Go there and type anything. You would be surprised to see it is probably there.

Peeps are tasty

Even Godzilla likes them!

CSI and Peeps

I am a big fan of the tv show CSI. I also love marshmallow Peeps. Some one decided to combine the two... I love this one!!!